
Hebrews 10:24: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

Discipleship – following Jesus and becoming his apprentice – is something anyone can do and we are all called to do. God created us to be like him, and therefore the pursuit of Christlikeness is the pursuit of our best possible life – for ourselves and those around us. We are all called to a total transformation: repentance, faith, lifestyle, ethics, spirituality and mission. 

But, of course, you don’t have to be spiritual, religious or ‘respectable’ start the journey! 

Our vision is to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.

Be with Jesus: We pray, we worship, we come together and explore his words. We believe that Jesus’, being God, offered us the way to the best possible life and lives with us today. 

Become like Jesus: We pursue our apprenticeship to Jesus earnestly, learning from Scripture, learning from each other, and building up the next generation of disciples.

Do what Jesus did: We reach out into the community. Some of these initiatives will be specific endeavours, like our warm spaces and support groups, but many will be simply our day-to-day actions with others, seeing people through Jesus’ eyes. 

As well as Sunday morning teaching, we also have specific discipleship groups: 

Christianity Explored (Coming soon)

Discipleship Explored (Coming soon)

Discipleship Triplets (Coming Soon) – An opportunity to come together regularly as a small group and grow with each other. These groups focus on loving God, loving each other and loving our community and provide encouragement, friendship, learning and accountability.