
Generosity is a central part of our faith. We believe that God is endlessly generous to us and that we are called to be generous in turn. The mission and life of the church is only possible because of the generous giving of our members and the wider community. 

Here are a few ways which may be used to donate to Fort William Kilmallie Church of Scotland.

Standing order

The most beneficial way of giving is by using a monthly Standing Order which enables the congregation to have regular monthly income.

Sort Code: 80-06-84
Account No: 00652696
Account Name: Fort William Kilmallie Gift Aid Account

At our services

If you attend our services and prefer to put money aside each week, you may choose to use Free Will Offering (FWO) envelopes. The envelopes are placed on the offering plate available at morning worship on Sundays.

By cheque

Donations may also be made by cheque payable to ‘Fort William Kilmallie CofS’ and,

either placed on the offering plate at morning worship on Sundays,

or posted to: Finance, Fort William Kilmallie CofS, Manse, The Parade, Fort William, PH33 6BA.


Give online

(Click Donate Online, and scroll down to the donation form)

Whichever of these methods you use, you can make your gift even more valuable by signing a gift aid declaration if you are a UK taxpayer. That allows us to reclaim tax on your gift. Contact us for a gift aid form.

Remembering the church

Finally, you can choose to include a donation to the church in your will. You can leave either a specific sum or a proportion of your estate, and your solicitor will advise you on the right wording. This is especially suitable for people who may have a limited income, but significant capital (such as a house which might no longer be needed for family after your death.) Legacies should normally be to “Fort William Kilmallie Church of Scotland or its successors” so it stays up to date in future. You can be specific or general but remember that if you are too specific and you aim to support something we no longer do, we might be unable to utilise a donation.

However you choose to give, your support is appreciated. It is an important way of sharing in our work. Please review your giving regularly and prayerfully and consider it as one part of your worship.